Accelerating the hydrogen transition through actionable insights and networking
World Hydrogen Leaders (WHL) is an exclusive online content delivery and networking platform. It’s a global community of executives working in the field of hydrogen production, transportation, distribution, storage, policy and end use applications.
Hydrogen will play a key role in the future energy system, and we are working on a range of solutions to the challenge of its introduction. As sharing insights is essential, GERG is happy to support WHL for the events of 2022.
You can download the brochure with all the information from each event and read more about WHL on the link below:
Young Researchers Awards - the call for applications is open!
Apply now to an international competition in the prestigious setting of the European Gas Technology Conference (EGATEC)
The 10th edition of the GERG Young Researchers Awards will take place this June in association with the EGATEC conference.
Open to post-graduate students working towards a PhD or Master’s degree, the competition will see ten finalists selected for a fully-funded participation to the EGATEC Conference, with the opportunity to hold a poster presentation and a session of 5-minute pitches in front of the conference audience. After the presentations, three winners will be selected by the jury. Applications are open until the 14th of March!
THyGA Workshop on standardization and certification is online!
Work Package 4, dedicated to the study of the impact of hydrogen admixture on standardization and certification recentlty published its first public deliverable: D4.1. On this occasion, a workshop was organised to gather experts of certifacation and standardization but also manufacters.
More than 30 experts were around the table and discussed the questions of the impact of blending on the current standardization and certification framework. Those fruitful disucssions has been recorded and are now available:
You can dowload all the presentation on the THyGA website.
CORP organise on June 2-3 2021 the first worldwide summit about Natural Hydrogen.
Natural hydrogen, as opposed to "coloured" hydrogens, refers to the raw hydrogen found in nature in the form of the H2 molecule. Exploiting these natural hydrogen fields has many possibilities, which will be discussed in this 1st NaturalHydrogen Worldwide Summit.
The summit will bring together the key players of the natural H2 industry, and 600 online attendees. A program of high-level conferences with 60 speakers and over 30 workshops will offer in-depth insights on the topic.
The Fuel Cells & Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) project "Testing Hydrogen admixture for Gas Appliances", or THyGA is organising its second online workshop: MATERIALS SCIENCE - IMPACTS OF HYDROGEN BLENDS the 26th of October 2020 (10.00/12.00 AM).
📋 Join the THyGA team in this workshop to learn about the findings of the project, and exchange views with other experts on the impacts of hydrogen admixture on materials!
The Fuel Cells & Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) project "Testing Hydrogen admixture for Gas Appliances", or THyGA is organising its third online workshop: IMPACT OF HYDROGEN ADMIXTURE ON RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL COMBUSTION PROCESSES - INSIGHTS FROM COMBUSTION SCIENCE the 30th of October 2020 (10.00/12.00 AM).
📋 Join the THyGA team in this workshop to learn about the findings of the project, and exchange views with other experts on the impacts of hydrogen admixture on combustion processes, particularly in the residential and commercial sector.
The 7th edition of the HIPS-NET (Hydrogen in Pipeline Systems Network) workshop took place on the 3rd and 4th of June 2020. HIPS-NET is a network of about 40 partners, bringing together hydrogen experts to contribute to a common European understanding on the H2 tolerance of the existing natural gas grid.
In the past years, this event was organised by GERG in the beautiful Hôtel van Eetvelde in Brussels, and it would also have been this year if not for the Covid crisis. Instead, as many have done during the lockdown period, the HIPS-NET community came together online, gathering about 50 participants. This two-day workshop was also an opportunity to explore the interactive features of web conferencing: live polls and break-out rooms to discuss in smaller groups provide a quality online networking experience.
During the first day, Eva Hennig from Thüga opened the workshop with a presentation on the importance of blending in the future of the European energy mix and its current social acceptance. After her, Nestor Díez González presented the recent TNO projects for H2 Transport in the North Sea and on land. One of the projects presented was the world first off-shore hydrogen plant which can directly be linked to off-shore wind turbines: the POSHYDON project.
The POSHYDON project
During the second day, the presentations addressed the following subjects:
“The Integrity of Existing Natural Gas Networks in regard to Hydrogen” presented by Alfons H.M Krom from Gasunie.
The French “Technical & Economic Conditions for Injecting Hydrogen into Natural Gas Networks” report, presented by William Rahain from Teréga.
On the 29th of April took place the ENTSOG Online Workshop dedicated to Principles for EU Gas Qualities, handling of Hydrogen and CO2 Transportation. The three pathways of the ENTSOG 2050 Roadmap for Gas Grids were presented to the meeting attendants through a short didactic animation: the Hydrogen pathway, the Methane pathway and the Blends pathway.
This video gives a very clear view on what the gas industry could become in the future in order to meet the decarbonisation objectives set up by the Paris agreement and the European Green Deal.
The GERG priority research topics Hydrogen and Biomethane will play a great role in the transformation of the gas system whatever pathway, or combination of pathways, becomes reality. For this transformation to happen, collaboration between all the different gas industry stakeholders will be essential.
During the workshop were also presented the ENTSOG Roadmap 7 recommendations to Decarbonise Gas Grids. Antonio Gomez, Enagas, and also GERG Transmission and Storage Programme Committee Chairman, moderated the first session on the 6th ENTSOG Recommendation: Principles of EU Gas Qualities and handling of hydrogen. After very productive discussions, the second session, addressing the issue of CO2 transportation, was introduced by Hendrik Pollex from ENTSOG.
The Fuel Cells & Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) project "Testing Hydrogen admixture for Gas Appliances", or THyGA, is organising its first online workshop the 6th of May 2020 (10.00/12.00 AM and 1.00/3.00 PM CET, incl. virtual lunch break).
To get the connection information, please send your confirmation of attendance to
The workshop will present first research results, and discuss the specific consequences of hydrogen blending for the gas appliances sector, with the participation of researchers, manufacturers and associations.
Insight on THyGA’s first research contents
EU market segmentation of gas appliances
Focus topic: development of a protocol for testing H2 admixture
Discussion of the testing procedure of gas appliances with manufacturers, researchers and associations
Discussion and questions related to the addressed topics
The GERG Secretary was invited to present on behalf of GERG at the PRCI (Pipeline Research Council International)Research Exchange in San Diego in front of an audience of around 200 pipeline research experts.
REX2020 took place on March 3-4 2020 and included two days of presentations during which a variety of safety and integrity management topics were covered as well as important research results.
GERG was invited along with David Norman of Future Fuels CRC (Australia) to present our activities in decarbonised gas research at the PRCI Emerging Fuels Forum. The PRCI roadmap on Emerging fuels was also presented in the same session.
GERG looks forward to working more closely with PRCI and Future Fuels as we share our experience and build new opportunities in this increasingly important area of research. Collaboration is key to making the energy transition happen and on the global stage each organisation can bring its unique perspective to the roadmap and ensure that we are learning from all the experience of all the major actors.
3-4 March 2020
International Gas Union Research Conference 2020
IGRC 2020
The International Gas Union Research Conference was held on the 24-26 February 2020, in the city of Muscat in the Sultanate of Oman.
Despite the beginning of the coronavirus crisis that forced many participants to cancel their attendance, the Conference Program was maintained with minor modifications. Through the numerous sessions, the attendees explored the following topics: Gas Pipelines & Distribution, Gas Supply, Gas Utilization and Environment & Sustainability. Other cross-cutting questions such as Hydrogen and renewable gas or novel digital technologies were also discussed. The role that gas technologies can play in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, whether through improved LNG processes, use of LNG in end use sectors, or in replacement of natural gas with decarbonised alternatives, was at the center of every session.
GERG exhibited a booth (see above) in the conference exhibition, which was well received and became a centre for discussion and meetings with new and old friends alike. Our President Murès Zarea also presented in the closing plenary on the subject of “Technology and Solutions for the Future of Gas”. In his talk he interwove the work of the Engie Hydrogen Lab with the emphasis of the role that Associations such as the European Gas Research Group need to play in the acceleration of the decarbonisation agenda. He stated that the Zero Carbon Transition was a paradigm shift that would require great cooperation:
“Breaking down the silos through collaboration is the key to accelerating the energy transition.”
Many other GERG Members participated in the conference and delivered presentations:
Ronald Ten Cate, Johan Knijp and Sander Gersen from DNV GL
Jean Schweitzer and Thea Larsen from Danish Gas Technology
Philippe Buchet, Patrick Milin, Rony Tawk and Frederic Legrand from Engie
Michel Hardy, Elodie Rousset, Amélie Louvat and Alice Vatin from GRTgaz
Dina Lanzi from Snam
Jerzy Stopa from the Poish Oil and Gas Company
Guilhem Caumette and Cécile Boesinger from Teréga
On the whole, the conference can be considered a success despite the difficult circumstances. It managed to contrast the differing focus on the drivers behind new gas technologies in different parts of the global gas family. At the same time, the discussions highlighted the learning experience that is moving thinking on decarbonisation towards the heart of our industry on a global stage. It will be fascinating to see how far this has shifted again by the time of the next IGRC in three years time.
Launch of THyGA project: Clearing the way for the use of hydrogen – natural gas blends for European consumers
Press Release
The project THyGA (Testing Hydrogen Admixtures for Gas Appliances) has launched today, with a first meeting at the GERG office in Brussels. THyGA has been awarded backing from the EU’s Research and Innovation programme Horizon 2020 under its Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU).
Blending hydrogen and natural gas is one of the solutions to decarbonise the energy system. For a wide adoption of H2NG (hydrogen in natural gas) blends, their impact on residential and commercial gas appliances has to be comprehensively studied. The THyGA project will assess this technical impact, evaluating safety, efficiency, lifetime, and environmental performance.
The project consortium will also identify and recommend appropriate codes and standards that should be adapted to answer the needs of the new gas system, and develop a strategy for addressing the challenges for new and existing appliances.
The project consortium is composed of nine partners from six European countries, including associations, laboratories, gas value chain companies, and manufacturers representing different applications (cooking, heating). The project is coordinated by French energy company Engie.
GERG and MARCOGAZ have organised theEuropean Gas Technology Conference (EGATEC) conference this year together with EnTranCe, GasTerra, Gasunie and the New Energy Coalition. The event took place in Groningen, the Netherlands, the 6–8 November 2019.
The programme was built on the theme ‘GAS IN THE FUTURE EUROPEAN ENERGY MIX’. Through five sessions, the conference examined how natural gas, renewable gases and mitigation of emissions are key for Europe to achieve its net-zero emissions goals by 2050. These technologies help to maintain strict requirements on security of supply, efficiency and safety.
Conference attendants enjoyed a full agenda, complete with technical visits of energy projects in the Groningen region and 36 presentations from expert speakers on the latest technical developments. All the presentations and photos from the conference are now available online.
The Conference also hosted the 9th GERG Young Researchers Awards - eight pre-selected young researchers working in the field of Gas and Energy competed in an 'elevator pitch' contest and a poster session. Read more about this successful session.
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