The conformity assessment of biomethane requires further standardisation in order to support Europe’s green energy future. The overall EU target for Renewable Energy Sources consumption by 2030 has been raised to 32 % in the RED II directive [Directive (EU) 2018/2001, 2018].
BiometCAP will deliver accessible traceability to the stakeholder community by developing efficient and cost-effective methods for the preparation of traceable gas transfer standards for the performance evaluation of biomethane monitoring systems. Using these, a robust performance assessment protocol will be developed and validated in order to benchmark and characterise analytical systems (e.g. gas analysers).
The outputs, including trial applications, will be directly fed into standardisation development. This project will bridge the gap between previously developed primary standards and the industry’s need for accessible, traceable performance evaluation against a validated protocol.
The BiometCAP project consists of 5 different work packages:
- WP1: Development of gas transfer standards for use in the SI-traceable performance evaluation of the measurement systems that are used for biomethane conformity assessment
- WP2: Protocol for use in the SI-traceable performance evaluation of the measurement systems that are used for biomethane conformity assessment
- WP3: Performance evaluation of the industrial analysers and reference instrumentation that are used for biomethane conformity assessment
- WP4: Creating impact
- WP5: Management and coordination
BiometCAP counts twelve partners from European countries that will work together on this project over 36 months.